Rummaging through some old pictures I came across this photo, one of My Aunt Gail and me at my wedding nearly 22 years ago. She was an award winning Home Economics teacher and Mardi Gras costume maker. My Aunt Gail taught me many aspects about etiquette and basic principles of household; from the simple to the elaborate. She made sure I knew how to hold an intimate brunch or host a 12 course dinner party.

Today, I will share one of those tidbits, that won her an award through the FHA, that I truly didn’t think I cared about when I was younger. After all, who cares where everything goes? Thankfully she was an engaging teacher.
When she first told me that once I heard this, a basis necessity, I’d never forget it – I automatically thought, “I’m going to forget it.” However, I never have and now you never will.
It’s something I see people struggle with frequently; how to always remember a simple place setting.
LEFT has four (4) letters in it, so does FORK; so your fork goes on the left side of the plate.
RIGHT has five (5) letters in it, so do KNIFE and SPOON; they go on the right side of the plate.
In alphabetical order = fork, knife, spoon.
The sharp side of the knife faces the plate, so that when one reaches for their spoon they won’t risk cutting themselves.
Glasses go to the top right of the plate as most people are right handed.

It’s that SIMPLE!!
Now, some of you are surely thinking, “Wow, she posted on how to set a table?” and I might have even annoyed some of you with this bit of advice. …Oh, but one day, whether you are setting your table for an intimate gathering of friends or an important business dinner, you will remember my Aunt Gail and me. 😉